Tuesday, April 30, 2019

100 days of Wykdness - Day 1 Happy Southern Hemisphere Witch's New Year

Welcome to Samhain Southern Hemisphere wykd ones!
Blessings of the Witches New Year to you all.
Now...for New Years resolutions.
Are we ready????

Hey, you all get to do it twice, once on the muggles' New Years Day, and now, on our very special and certainly far more important New Year's Day.
So don't whinge.
You had a good few months to stay true to your wishes - if it didn't work, well let's give it another crack.

Let's all start with giving ourselves permission to be OK.
Let's give ourselves permission to be happy.

If you catch yourself being whiny, negative and deep in your own funky stuff, well slap yourself out of it cause, 'ain't no one got time for that shit'.

So, in celebration of a wykd New Year, I'm aiming to set my mind, and your mind, straight.
Cause, in the end, our lives are short and we need to spend time with the ones we love and doing things that make us better human beings.

Samhain reminds us that we are here because of a thousand loves.
We should be acting as though our ancestors are watching.
We are here to cure old wounds and heal ourselves - those things we bought with us from our ancestors and those we have collected along the way in this lifetime.

We can do ourselves a favour and be empowered.
We should also not be ashamed to do so.
We ain't got time to be put down for who we are.

Who has time for that shit?

DAY 1 - Words of Witchy Widsom and GR+ATTITUDE