Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ouch! That word really packs a punch!

Sometimes I wonder if we are still living in the dark ages?
Have you noticed how the word 'witch'can still make people squirm in utter panic!
Like we have been spawned from some wretched golem in a craggy cave at the edge of the local village - last time I looked I have a birth certificate that says I was born in a local hospital, just like everybody else! (although mother was a bit of a question mark! )

If you thought the world was open and ready for total acceptance of the witch identity you are kidding yourself - even a mere hint, can send normal sane people scurrying into dark corners holding crosses and saying their prayers.
For goodness sake!
I cant blame them really, we have some really unusual characters amongst the clan - yet, like anything else, one should not judge a book by its cover nor a persona by their label ( or pentacle ).
This has been a point bought home for myself of late when I was taken aback by the reaction of some, upon mentioning the word 'pagan' - I hadn't even gotten to the witch thing yet. Needless to say, it was not.

Then we have those brow lifters who smirk, that its 'just a phase'and that those under the age of 18 will surely grow out of it the moment they decide to live in the real word and stop playing games.
Worst still, are those that look upon the 'aged' crones with disgust as rejects of society, losers who have no partners, are ugly or overweight, can't hold down a PROPER job and are into all this airy fairy shit just to have a valid excuse to get out of the house every so often and attend silly meetings called 'sabbats'and 'esbats'.
Ok, I'll play along, just for peace and quiet.
Let them think me insane and attempting to salvage what is left of my youth by wearing copious amounts of silver and purple.
Needless to say, it proves to be only a test of our resilience and an opportunity to display those attributes sadly lacking in abundance in our communities - that of quiet acceptance and respect.


  1. well said somtimes people look at me as if i have two heads which wouldnt be a bad thing, that one might remember the things i forget.

  2. Ha..ha...I've got two heads but mostly one of them is up my arse...( oops sorry rude comment )


Sticks and Stones may break my bones.....