Sunday, September 19, 2010

Its Psychic Events week...

Well in a few days we will see whether this was a good idea or not, eh!
It has been worth a try, especially for getting others out there and letting them share what they know - our role in all of this is actually very small. We will dissappear into the background of the day and just make sure things go smoothly and now that John will go "big time" from next year ( we stand to lose him doing anything like this again ) -  he will be doing the hour mediumship sessions so it will be a good opportunity to further his career too. All the stall holder will have to really get in there and talk and spruike their products - I so hope people buy and mingle and it all goes like a treat...for us, it will be about the advertising and getting ourselves out there in the great wide world...
We have made some unusual choices - its not a standard event and people have had to pay for a ticket to get in - we will also only have a few readers instead of a bucket load so that all the readers get a fair shot at making some money. We have chosen not to charge a lot for the stall holders so that it is worth their while and their time.We will have gift bags with discounts and stacks of brochures and that is what actually makes me the happiest - the ability to share other's info -
Of course the old fear and tensions of whether an event will come out ( for the sake of everyone involved ) is what is sitting over my head this week...I hope Fortuna decides to be favourable to us!
Wish us luck....

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