Wednesday, May 1, 2019

100 Days of Wykd Witch Wisdom - Day 2 SPEAK LITTLE, LISTEN MUCH

The Wiccan Rede is a statement that provides the key moral system of Wicca and certain other related witchcraft-based faiths.
A common form of the Rede is An’ ye harm none, do what ye will.
The word "rede" derives from Middle English, meaning "advice" or "counsel".

The phrase I am focusing on on Day 2 is in the following couplet:

To bind the spell well every time, let the spell be said in rhyme. 

Light of eye and soft of touch, speak you littlelisten much.

The Wiccan Rede has many points of interest that we can learn from as we move forward in our personal practises. Some of these are very much as important now as they were when conceived somewhere between 1964 and 1975, depending on what information you uncover.

Speak little - listen much asks a lot from us.

It asks us to be comfortable with silence.
It asks us to be weary who we speak to.
It asks us to first listen and allow your intuition to tell you whether it is safe to open up.

“Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.” ~ Plato

It seems that a lot of times, we talk just so we can fill that void of silence, thinking that the absence of sound is something to be ashamed about, something to be avoided. 

But it’s not. Let's agree that from today on we do not talk just for the sake of talking.

There’s nothing wrong with silence and, yes, sometimes that silence is awkward, but that's OK. It can allow people to go within and think.

Allowing yourself to be with another person as no words are spoken is a very special thing to.

The other reason why "speak little and listen much" is, that, when we listen we learn about those that are doing all of the talking.

We learn if they need to talk because they require the spotlight to be on them?

Do they need to talk because they think they know all of the answers?
Do they continue to talk because they are insecure?

There is no point in trying to convince anyone of anything.

Unless they are ready to hear.

Speaking little and listening much allows us to discover that.

It was also important if we look at this small phrase from a historical viewpoint.

If we take this back to a time when speaking out to the wrong person may have led to being imprisoned.

Not too long ago there were still laws in place where it was illegal to practice witchcraft. Even in Australia witchcraft laws were still in existence in 1973 in most states. 

So, this part of the Wiccan Rede, is a timely reminder to watch what comes out of our mouths.

It seems plausible that we would think that speak little - listen much has it's origins many centuries earlier when speaking out may have meant a trial and death with an accusation of witchcraft.

Your beliefs are a private thing. 

Even when I meet people who wear a pentagram necklace I still do not ask them if they identify as Wiccan or Witches. 
I let it be.
It seems to come up organically as we speak or by the words we use.

Today's piece of Witchy Wisdom is this part of the WICCAN REDE:


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