Saturday, May 4, 2019

100 Days of Wykd Witchy Wisdom - Day 6 Join Your local Library

This may sound like an odd piece of witchy wisdom, but, I would always recommend heading straight for your local library resources and having a good look through the available books on the shelf especially if starting out on your path to witchy wisdom.

There can be some brilliant older titles and new titles to choose from and then you have not gone to the expense of buying books if you are unsure of your direction.
That is where I started.
It certainly hasn't hurt me and I still go to the library even though my shelves at home are packed with books I have bought over the last 30 years of learning.

I am a real book witch.

I fondly remember spending many an afternoon going through every...single....library in my area and borrowing almost every esoteric book I could lay my hands on.

This was so cool as it didn't cost me a cent and it really opened my eyes to all of the different approaches to Wicca, which I was interested in at that time, but also opened to doors to tarot, dreams, aromatherapy, witch history etc, etc, etc.

The great thing was that I could also have books ordered from other libraries so it really took me a long time to exhaust the potential.

If you are low on cash and cannot afford to buy books, or you are just starting out and do not know which way to go, my big juicy bit of wykd wisdom today is go to your library.

Libraries are an undervalued and very useful community resource - they may have a stigma that it is an old way of doing things, but I have seen libraries progress and become super active and informative places that also host great events.
And by the witches believe in the OLD WAYS don't we?!!

I have done children's witchy classes during school holidays and also run adult magick programs and done ghost story nights at some of our local libraries.

You can always ask what is available and make suggestions if there is really something that a group of you may like to see happen.

You will never know the limits of possibility unless you ask.

Seek out your local library resources and be a witch that is always seeking knowledge.

Blessings to you all.

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