Saturday, May 22, 2010

Cost to get to the hospital? 780 yen! Cost of a visit and treatment? $180! Look of surprise on security gaurds face when I press the Emergency button in the invalid toilet? PRICELESS!

Well....only I could have done this...believe me!
This is a long story....bare with me...............
We decided to take a walk along an old part of Tokyo known to be quite beautiful as it remained untouched by recent earthquakes and bombing during the war.
It was a bit of a trip with two subway changes and a train trip but when we got there we could see why it had such a reputation.
There was also a very old cementary at the start of this walk so we decided to head in there first for some photos.
All was good till I spotted a group of Mormons coming out of one of the alley ways and there no where where these guys turn up?

Then we started walking out................... when ....................whoopsie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I fell arse over head on the concrete having fallen off the curb into a dip in the road ( where there was a manhole )........with a sickening twist and wrench of my left foot...
ouchy..............................that was then end of that.....I could not put any pressure on my foot at all and so we sat there for about 15 mins waiting for the pain to subside....but it did not.

So hubby put on his superhero outfit and flew to the nearest train station to get help....this was not going to be an easy task as we were in the middle of "no-where" city!!!
He came back about 20 minutes later with some poor dude from the station who then tried to make a call for a taxi to take us back to the Hotel.
Hubby said that he had to get to two stations before there was anyone there who understood what he needed...
So I hobbled into the taxi and we arrived back.

The Hotel staff immediately got me a wheelchair and ice for my foot as we called our insurance company before heading to hospital...( you can never be too careful about what they will pay for!)
We filed an incident report and got the go ahead to go to Hospital.
So we were off.
Now, today is a public holiday in Japan.
So, everything shuts early and normally hospitals only work on a skeleton staff.
We arrived and got seen to by a nurse within about 10 minutes.
We were one of only two people waiting.
We then got seen by someone who checked that we could pay for everything today or we could kiss treatment goodbye..
I then saw a doctor who spoke pretty good English and got sent down for an X-Ray ( the Hospital was empty - I mean....EMPTY )
Got an X ray and by the time I went back upstairs the doctor had the X - Rays in front of him.
All of this took about an hour.
Nothing broken....yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bad sprain and swelling so I need to rest and apply ice.Might reiki the bastard tonight!
I got bandaged and we waited for a medical report to be written out.

In the mean time I went to the invalid toilet and did not know how to turn on the light so I did my business in the dark...unfortunately I pressed the emergency help button instead of the flush...and so security came running.....oh God, how embarrassing!!!!!!!!!!
We paid our bill ( about $$180 including X rays )
Then a taxi home and now hubby has gone to find something open to get food.
Nothing like a bit of an adventure is there?

So there you go......could anyone else fall over in a cementary in a foreign country and do themselves an injury???????
I ask you.................................I blame it on the Mormons!!!!!


  1. Oh, dear. I'm not laughing - honest! Hope you're better soon :o)

  2. priceless for sure...very glad nothing broken...see you soon


Sticks and Stones may break my bones.....