Friday, May 21, 2010


Well the Mecca of fashion was were I was headed this morning with mini Geisha girl for some seriously crazy shopping.
We first zenned for a bit at Meiji Shrine and the beautiful green forest walkway with two huge Torri Gates that were made from timbers that were 1500 years old.
We bought some good luck charms ( very potent from here I am assured ) and then braving what what to come....we headed into the crowds.
I guess it was better today as it was not raining and most of the sweet young things were still in school.
Actually looking closely the fashion was not at all expensive!
Most things were floral and layered for summer and all cost between $15- $50 including shoes.
The more extravagant stuff was much more expensive...and many of the anime inspired stuff was well beyong little geisha's pocket money...but she still managed some skirts and bags and a pair of funck shoes....she is a happy girl!
Hubby went his way to the world of knives and bought himself a handmade knife - he then got his name engraved in the blade by the maker.....way cool!!!!!!
so both parties arrived back at the Hotel happy...
Did I get something? yes....just a top....and another suitcase to carry all the shit that little geisha has managed to buy!
We are off again in a minute....more sightseeing....may as well only a few days left now!!!

1 comment:

  1. it's been great hearing about your holiday as it happens....thank you very much for thinking of us back here!!!


Sticks and Stones may break my bones.....