Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Blessings to all the mothers on the planet! You are the glue that holds the world together.
I hope some most of you there would have been a special moment today - making you feel special and loved.
Take a moment to all of you who did have a day filled with gifts, lunches and hugs and kisses to our sisters all of over the world that struggle with inferiority, oppression, hunger and homlessness.

Consider those that wait helplessly while their children to die from starvation or lack of simple medicines
Consider those that feel threatened and cannot walk down the street or live in their own homes without fear.
Consider those that are treated no better than cattle because they are women.
Consider those that are shamed and violated without consent.
Consider those that have no voice and no longer a will to live...
We pray for all of them as we all unite on Mother's Day and send our love throughout the world.

May the time of the Goddess return quickly....we need her now!

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