Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My amazing adventures part six!

It was baby girl's 16th birthday today!
What a day - starting with fresh custard filled cakes from the bakery.
The train trip to Osaka to the Aquarium to see manta rays and a " baby" whale shark.
Hubby and 16 year old did the huge ferris wheel ( like everything else in Japan it has to be huge )
and then back to Kyoto for part two of the day!
We had lunch at a disgusting KFC in Osaka before we left ( mental note : never, ever buy KFC!!!!!
we almost got ripped off by not getting our full order then nearly died laughing at the size of the burger and chips when we got them...and the coffee could have cleaned out your shower cavity! )
We went to a temple in Gion that houses 1000 statues of the thousand armed Kannon ( God of Mercy who listens to your prayers ) and is guarded by 23 Gods - it is one of the most amazing places that I have ever had the priviledge to see with my own eyes.
You are not allowed to take photos and you must enter without shoes - so I walked in bare foot and had tingles in my legs the whole time.
This place was amazing!! 10 lines of kannon 100 in each row..all made from wood, hand carved by over 70 sculptors taking over 100 years to complete.
I lit a candle at the temple for my dear friend Kay and the soul of her son and hubby lit a candle for our family.
What an honour!
Hundreds of years old....
Then we went back to where we were a day ago and went up to the top of a hill to the old temple in Japan and then down the old roads through some of the most beautiful old streets filled with women in traditional kimono.
There is just not enough time to see it all and take it in.
We then headed back to a special cake shop to buy baby girl some more birthday cake and to have dinner...then we struggled home after a final stop along the way at the local supermarket to buy up chocolate for our trip to Hiroshima tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, it all sounds so amazing!!!! Shame you couldn't take photos at that temple, I bet there would have been some very interesting images within the images ;o)


Sticks and Stones may break my bones.....