Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Was it all just a dream?

You know when you wake up in the morning and you are really still just semi conscious? That time when you are really not here yet...your body is but your brain is still coming....
Today, as the moments passed, I realised that I was in my own bed ( after an amazing nights sleep ) with all the familiar noises around me....had I really been anywhere at all?
Or had I just dreamt up the whole thing?

But as I moved to get up....my knee and foot started to ache and as I walked into the laundry there was still a huge pile of washing laying there to be done..........yes, it had been real.
My first wake up coffee was shared with Maksy boy plastered on my knees ( he was not going to let me out of his sight after not having seen me for two weeks) and I did not have to walk over two other sleeping bodies to get to the toilet ( they were both still asleep and probably would be for many hours to come )
My first coffee started to course through my veins and the realisation that I was home and it was all over really sunk in......
I think everyone has a bit of a blue day the first day or two after they come back to the real world from being on holidays....all that excitement...gone...
back to normality...
well, one thing I guess my life is nothing that I could call normal..I go back to work today.
I really cannot keep up the fascinating blogs though.. they may be a bit dissappointing from now on.
I will have to go back on another holiday so you all have something to read about wont I???????Anyone got any spare money??
I just need a few thousand...............

1 comment:

Sticks and Stones may break my bones.....