Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Flying things and inverted pentacles

We went into St Pauls catherdal whilst in Melbourne and found inverted pentagrams up above the main altar on all four sides...mmmm
Now, to answer a question as to how come we can find  inverted pentagrams ( which are supposed to be associated with Satan ) in a church we found out that:
"These symbols were derived  from  traditional Morning Star pentagrams that are no longer commonly used in mainstream Christianity".( wonder why )
thank you wikipedia!
they were also associated with the five wounds of Christ...so it can make sense that way..it was a funny site though.
Today we were sitting in our office when a box of incence flew off the cupboard onto the floor...just by itself for no apparent reason other than to draw our attention to the fact that it happened quite randomly...
I was terribly inspired by my two hours spent at the Art Gallery and went home and reworked my latest painting feeling myself rather inferior after seeing all of those marvelous things created by masters of the craft....I had to come home and try harder....it was such a privelidge to stand next to a Rembrandt or a Manet, Monet ....glorious moments of bliss ( sorry.....I do like my art )
Now back to work ( I use that word loosely ) 

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting re the "morning star" pentacles in the church ... as well as flying incense!!

    I love visiting the art gallery and viewing the originals, I love the textures and brushstrokes ... I love taking in the essence of the work.

    One of Frida Kahlo's portraits was really beautiful in person as it was layered ... and you cannot see that in the 2D image :-)


Sticks and Stones may break my bones.....