Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Weird dream

Ok... I had a real "Medium"moment last night when I woke at 2am last night not knowing where in the hell that I was and then put a dream together that I had just had.
It is probably an overactive mind having watched too much tv - but I thought I'd write it down for my own reference.Maybe somewhere in the future it will drop into place.
I was the perpetrator - it was happening through my eyes. I was male and I was shit scared.
I had hurt a small child/ or the child had been hurt while in my care.
The child had suffered a head trauma via a hit or a fall - I dont really know.
It was an accident - thats how I saw it.
I think I had been either drinking or had been taking drugs cause I couldnt remember how it happened - all I know is that I took the child back to its mother in a total panic and I was saying sorry and that it would all be ok.
I think that I thought that the child was still alive. The mother was screaming at me - how could I have done this!
I kept on saying that it was going to be ok.
Then I heard what I thought was a Police car or someone comming to get me - the mother told me to run out the back door and that she would "keep em talking".
I hid in the bushes and tried to run down the street so I wasnt seen.I didnt get far. I was paralyzed with fear.
I was so scared - it was terrifying.
Thats when I woke up - my heart pumping and in complete disorientation for a few minutes.
Phew.....I told hubby about it who told me to go back to sleep and dream Part Two...but it didnt happen.


  1. sounds to me something to do with that missing girl..kirralee

  2. thats where my head went too...but I could be way off...


Sticks and Stones may break my bones.....