Thursday, March 25, 2010


Another drama! Mum had another fall last night and had to be taken to emergency with a suspected broken arm.
Poor mum - I can just imagine how scary this would all be for her and ofcourse, I as usual, am totally flat out and cannot even think about getting to Sydney at this point to offer any assistance or comfort to her....
so I will keep in touch and send her some distance healing - that is the best that I can do...oh and worry a lot ( as I am VERY GOOD at doing that!)
otherwise my next few days are just flat out - tonight I miss one full moon celebration as I have to show up at an art exhibition opening and then I am off to Morpeth for a paranormal investigation that I am joining in.
My views of ghosts and the paranormal are dramatically shifting the more I read and focus my attention on these manifestations, and so experiences like tonight's will give me more food for thought.
This whole area of study is very interesting to me as there are SO many unanswerable questions. There are as many theories as there are phenomena and experiences, some well documented and others just heresay and over inflated by speculation and embellishment.
I do believe that our minds are most powerful, and the influence that this structure has on us, and others,  is astounding and spectacular - maybe we need to look inside ourselves for some of the answers we seek.
My mums brain is changing at a rapid rate - she is still mum, yet she no longer is, and her mind plays games and has changed her identity. It has created a new life, new personas that she has to deal with and has left her with a limited understanding of her world. She has retained all of her memories, yet cannot get to them - sometimes they reappear briefly which means that they are still there......
this is all very much a clue to the reality of the what the brain can do and how it can be damaged, how fragile yet, how precious it is, and how we should be learning to harness our own abilities......what good could we do if we really knew more about our own paranormal abilities...


  1. Sending love and healing for your mum - and I am 100% with you about the amazing things we would be able to do once we master the power of all our minds are capable of.

  2. yes sending love and helaing to you and your mum


Sticks and Stones may break my bones.....