Thursday, March 11, 2010

Did you hear about the lady that sold two ghosts on ebay?

Yes....she caught two ghosts in two separate bottles ( weird enough right? )
But then she puts it on ebay and someone buys them for $2000!!!!!!!!!!!
Well blow me down!
Are people silly enough to fall for this?
I have spent another evening at the hairdressers having a miracle treatment for my hair....
God bless her soul...she has tried so hard..but then in exchange I spent three hours talking to her about raising children, ADHD and putting in boundaries...I think we are just about even!

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if she was the same lady who was selling bottled fairies that she had caught in her garden?

    Seriously, she had photos of the bottles and of course there was nothing in them!!


Sticks and Stones may break my bones.....