Friday, March 26, 2010

Good results!

Well chaulk up another first time experience yesterday - I went to the opening of  the Art Exhibition run by one of the art societies that I belong to and within the first five minutes of opening two paintings sold - one of them being MINE!!!!!! exciting meeting the purchaser and talking about my artwork and being congratulated on my art....super cool.
I am so glad that I had a sale - actually the second of the day as one of the art works that I had displayed at last weeks Wallsend art exhibition has also been sold - a lady called me yesterday asking me whether she could put a deposit on the one that she wanted.I have never sold two in one day before.
I also went out to Morpeth to meet two very dedicated ghost investigators who were spending a night in a haunted room at the Royal Inn.
We had coffee and chatted in the lounge area and already there was a great deal of activity around that area. We then walked around the Hotel and went up to the room. This room held many energies, but none bad or scary.
So we talked about what was comming up for me and wwhat they had been experiencing and maybe the caretaker of the property may be able to confirm some of these feelings.
I did not get home till after 11pm and then dreamt about my grandfather who I only know through a single picture of him that I saw at my parents home.

1 comment:

  1.'s great to hear all your hard work is now paying off


Sticks and Stones may break my bones.....