Saturday, March 6, 2010

You're just another brick in the wall...

My sweet husband introduced me to the music of Pink Floyd - and I found myself listening to "Brick in the Wall" today..
Continual messages of get a wriggle on and dont waste any more time...seem to be permeating my life.
We can all be just "another brick" if we dont take a stand and make life worthwhile.
I dont want to be just another brick..

Going to visit mum tomorrow to see where she is at - I have prepared a large frame with pictures of the family that can be hung in her room, as apposed to having all the photos hidden away in the drawer..maybe she will find it comforting?
Dont know how long I will be able to be there....maybe she does not rememebr me any more? will be good to see her, whatever state she is in...she will be surprised indeed.

1 comment:

  1. let me know how it goes- life is just another brick in the walls sweetie, another yellow brick road, so to speak.............this blog blocks me too-do you hate me ?


Sticks and Stones may break my bones.....