Sunday, March 7, 2010

Worth watching!

Compass : Christianity - A History was well worth watching last night and we get part two next Sunday at 10pm.You could say it was a bit biased towards the Jewish side of the story........ and rightly so.
The poor Jews have bourne the burdon of the whole Jesus thing for decades - the program talked about the fact that Jesus was a Jew, right up to his death ( he was crucified as the King of the Jews ). We tend to forget this fact.
Christianity only really came into being after Paul saw a vision on the road to Damascus and appointed himself the leader of the Church. Paul never met Jesus.

The program also stated that it is now thought that Judas had a very specific role in the whole Jesus story as the crucifiction was an integral part - so it is now thought that there was most probably a collaboration between Judas and Jesus for the prophecy to be fulfilled in the way that it was.
Interesting stuff which I have all read about before, but it was highlighted again last night.
Next week the program takes us to the time of Constantine, the first Christian Roman Emperor, and the changes he made ( incorporating so many pagan festivals and feast days and the Easter dates ).
Fascinating stuff - watch it with an open mind.


  1. bloody paul! it does sound interesting though-i am so glad so much is now out on inthe open with religion.
    have you blocked me from following your blog and if so why?

  2. I certainly have not blocked you or anyone...but maybe it is blogger playing up because I have not ben able to get on to your blog for weeks and I used to get to the R.C. weebly site that way?

  3. Obviously you are not blocked if you can post Lisa...

  4. she said following - not reading


Sticks and Stones may break my bones.....