Monday, March 1, 2010

Fantastic, Exciting News!

I am very pleased to announce that I am opening a new business venture with a close friend.
It is called "Sacred Elements".
The office is located upstairs at 13 Smart street, Charlestown ( just in front of the main doors of Charlestown Square ).
We will be open from 10am to 4pm daily - weekends or after hours by appointment.
We will be offering psychic readings, mediumship, workshops and psychic development classes, ancient wisdom, massage, reiki and energy healing.
It is also the home of the Newcastle Paranormal and Research Society and the United Pagan Church of Australia.
Please come and say hello - book in for a reading or a reiki!


  1. Good luck! It sounds like a lot of fun (and hardwork) I hope everything works out brilliantly, I'm sure they will!

  2. Loving it ... you are playing in my backyard!

    Congratulations on your new venture!!!

  3. extremly exciting news- do you have a phone number or contact details.........opening on the 1st during a full moon bodes very well...........congratulations xx

  4. Goodest of luck to you! Very exciting stuff for you Renata....:)

  5. Thank you all......very appreciative to all for the lessons I have learnt which have led me to this point...


Sticks and Stones may break my bones.....