Friday, March 12, 2010

Sleep in this morning!

Finally a morning sleep in!
Although a bit concerned about the recurrance of a dream that has been plaguing me for the last twenty years resurfacing again last night - it has been a very long time since this sequence of dreams has occured, but I was thrown in the middle of it yet again last night. This dream involves the same set of people every time, but in different circumstances ( people from my school years - which is a looooong time ago).

I have a busy weekend ahead. Today I have a psychic party booking, tomorrow I have to attend an art exhibition that I am part of and then I set up a book sale at Mt Hutton which I will be running for the next two weeks.
At the moment money is crucial so I am accepting all opportunities. We are also going to Japan later this year so any extra income is greatly appreciated.

Certain substantial fees always need to be paid at the beginning of a new business so it means being smart with spending and although many things might be tantilizing and may feel to be a great idea right now, it is stupid to go ahead and buy what is not crucial to the running of the business.

It will all come in time...we do not have to have everything right this minute.

I am very very pleased with our progress....rather the tortoise than the hare...if you know what I mean.

1 comment:

Sticks and Stones may break my bones.....