Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Back from the Twilight Zone..

Spent the day in Sydney and spent an hour with mum..she is ok I guess, as ok as one can be in a body that no longer responds the way it used to...... as the brain starts to burn out.
There was some poor old fellow in a room down the corridor who just kept calling out, "mum!!!mum!!!" for the whole time we were there....it was totally heartbreaking.
Another older lady in a bed, angry as hell, swearing her head off.....she got wheeled away after a while ( to somewhere very quiet ).
Mum tried to make conversation, sometimes wondering who the hell we were, I am sure!
But she looks well and she had a cry when we were leaving...she also had her baby wth her sitting on her walker, which at one stage was a boy and then it became a girl...
of course a trip to the Polish Deli is now a "must do"...
and then home..a full day.
Today was cool for our first day at Kaos Headquarters.
I had a reading and then we went and handed out brochures. Then we had a visit from a fellow who may want to do some workshops.....or he may just want a crowd of people to talk to.
He certainly has some history....this chappy is 80 years old!
He has more energy than I do though ( although that's not hard )...so I am keen to ask him how he manages to do it....
Maybe I need to go to one of his workshops?

1 comment:

Sticks and Stones may break my bones.....