Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Gone Feral!
Please check the "Newsletter"Page for events and happening shit!
This blog has now gone totally feral - so I better watch what I say eh!
Life throws up some pretty interesting challenges and you can always find an arsehole lurking around every dark corner if you look hard enough...sometimes you dont even have to look and there they just are...
these people are a test to your resilience and commitment to the story of yourself first and foremost and when they are being total complete arseholes....then its the time to look inward and to ask yourself just how much is this person really impacting on my life?
Is it really important, life threatening, life changing?
Or is it just plain annoying...
I am finding that some people laugh heartily at things that I might take to heart and treat as serious stuff.
Is it because it is happeneing to me and not them and secretly they sigh in relief, or is it that they see the idiocracy of it all and I fail to?
Sometimes it is all so silly...and arseholes will be arseholes cause we do need some people to just talk shit dont can be such a distraction from the real problems of life.


  1. well said...Feral Witch here.where would the world be without arseholes? They make one really appreciate the beautiful people...Like You xxx

  2. Yes well said indeed , I really never have to look for arsehole people ... they just seem to show up all by themselves ...


Sticks and Stones may break my bones.....