Friday, March 19, 2010

Never dull and boring!

8.30 Start at booksales for the day
10.30am drive out to Rathmines to drop off art work for Dobell show.
11.00am arrive at Rathmines run in with art work and pray there is no line up.
11.30am get to Wallsend Plaza to pick up art left from exhibition with art society
11.35 melt down...when I realise that I am also supposed to have delivered art for Newcastle Show at 9 am this morning and totally forgot!
11.40 Run to car while calling Newcastle Show office and beg to be included ( mmmm what excuse can I give )
11.45 Drive home to pick up painting just in case they say yes.
11.46 Its ok! I can do it! BRING IT NOW!!!!!
11.50 Run inside grab painting, get a meusli bar and run to car.
12.10 Get to Showground having hit ever red light and Sunday driver on the road...
12.15 Laugh, giggle and look awfully grateful to hanging staff for accepting painting.
12.35 Go to Sacred Elements and chill on the floor until my heart returns to normal
2.00pm return to booksales until 5.30
5.50 Make quick tea, eat and shower
6.30 Head out the door for a script reading at my art teachers place ( for a short film he is making - I am doing some photography other stuff )
9.00 Lob home and do book work
mmmmmm.....just another day!


  1. heads just spinning reading that......well that said you will get all paintings sold so it would have been all worth it!

  2. at least you are doin stuff you love

  3. I AM doing stuff I love.....I am having a ball.Blessed Mabon to all...


Sticks and Stones may break my bones.....