Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Great night at Miss Porters House!

Wow - what an exciting night at Miss Porter's House - what an honour to be allowed to explore!
We spent a few hours talking to the spirits at the house, and there were many!
We are still to look through videos and tapes that were recording tonight - but I got a few really great orb photos including the one shown here.
The house is very active - I could feel it the first time I walked into it. Papa Porter is still there and is looking after the joint.
He mentioned a flood at one point and showed me the front door as if to say that the water was going right past the front door. Later that evening one of the girls, who came along, showed me a photo of the front of the building taken in 1927 - it was titled "Flood" and showed the water right up to the top step of the house.The photo was on a poster in the lounge room.
The rooms up stairs were also active, so much so, that all of us felt heavy in the chest and breathless at the entrance to each room.
Hoping that we get to do it again some time soon.


  1. wow when you go next time can i come too...pretty please

  2. It was so cool...pity you were not well Jewell you would have had a brilliant time!


Sticks and Stones may break my bones.....