Thursday, February 18, 2010

Birthday Party comming up and more...

This weekend is Birthday Party weekend - yeehaa!
Tomorrow I am heading out to Coal Point to wish a friend happy birthday and say goodbye...and then Sunday I am going to Pearl Beach ( Gosford ) to a family 'do' - my hubby's birthday.
I have to make salads and the diet will have to wait till Monday.
I also should start walking again ( Diana prompt ) ...I had a beautiful dream last night about a special place where I will be spending much time shortly ( no...not James Fletcher ...although.... ) It was bright and happy and it felt so good.
I am looking forward to feeling really positive and good. These last few months have really been a test of my resolve, my patience and my dedication to my path and my future....
There are moments when I have a feeling of fear and just think, well maybe I am just being a stupid woman...but then I know there is no other way.
The only way is forward and all I am afraid of is actually succeeding.
Silly me!


  1. never stupid...just having the normal fears of opening your own will be a great sucess

  2. no your not a stupid woman you a silly woman.ha

  3. its terrifying opening your own business but well worth it. its time Renata and you know you have all my love and blessings. The Cottage will miss you but it is also such a perfect time for big change, we would all be made not to take advantage of it.
    Lisa x


Sticks and Stones may break my bones.....