Monday, February 22, 2010

No rest for the wykd!

Just when I thought that it was going to be fine to sit on my arse and not do anything, along comes a doctor who has the audacity to tell me that my cholesterol is up, my iron is down, my liver is not working properly and my blood sugar is up too!
How rude!
Now I have to go on a diet and EXERCISE!
Please save I went on the Wii Fit yesterday ( first time in 360 days ) and could only manage 10 minutes , but I had only put on 1kg in those 360 days that must mean that I was a lazy so and so 12 months ago too!!!!
Now I need to get a grip - and dont even show me a carton of skim milk, I bought some of that yesterday, made one coffee with it and have decided that there is only so much suffereing a person can take....
must ask Sharon for some advice...


  1. Sharon hell with skim milk..tastes like breast milk...look to cut back somewhere else

  2. Me to Renata , I am now on B12 injections and my sugar is up because of my weight and NO excerise. So I really to do something about it NOW , before it is to late ..Vicki x

  3. well join te club ladies join the club,and im with sharon no skim milk.although i dont have high blood preasure so thats one thing in my favour,,,,,,

  4. I am joining the gym tomorrow and not drinking any wine or beer and cutting out the fat and sugar in my diet I will be soooo boring ... Vicki


Sticks and Stones may break my bones.....