Thursday, February 25, 2010

Please stop with the scratching!!

Poor little puggy boy is scratching so bad that he has sores all over his skin from the horrible flea infestation.
I have tried all the powders, shampoos and tablets available - today I go to get the super dooper new a cost of $80.
But if it works it will be worth it.....
What does it possibly do to a doggy when, once the tablet is taken, all fleas on the dog are supposed to die within half an hour?
Surely it must not be good for the doggie?



  1. ruby had this terrible scratch a few years ago and after trying everything i finally went to the chemist and got a low dose antihistamine for her which made a difference almost over night- maybe thats something worth trying- oh, and enjoy your ghost tour and the van pragn show- both should be excellent.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones.....