Saturday, February 13, 2010

Mrs Porter's House

I visited Mrs Porter's House this afternoon, and today must have been the day that everybody decided to do the same thing - there were stacks of people going through which made it difficult to really get a feel for the place.
Some of the historic background to the place was fascinating especially when we were told that this house was about the end of the line of Newcastle township about 100 years ago with only Chinese gardens and fields past that spot.
There is definately energies in the house, especially in the back end  - the kitchen and laundry areas with me feeling tickling on my shoulder while standing there and checking out the old wood fired stove.
It is a beautifully restored home with intricate stencilling on the wooden ceilings and old worn linoleum on the floors.
The two old ladies are still living out their lives in that place and I am sure they get a kick out of people comming in and giving the old place some life.....


Sticks and Stones may break my bones.....