Sunday, February 7, 2010

This ghost stuff is doing my head in!

Someone explain to me where apparitions stop being manifested by us, and when they start being there to begin with?
Does this all need to be so complicated?
The more I read the more I feel that most ghostly stuff is created through our own furtive little minds, and so powerful and strong are we that we can actually create an energy, being, thing, apparition beyond and apart from ourselves.
Why then, can I feel changes and shifts in energy that seems to be residual and resides in a place?
This is not something that I have created or thought about, in most cases it comes to me, through me, I can feel it.
I need to experience more and do more research - I need to get this straightened out in my head but to do that I have to be ready to experience more.
This is fascinating stuff......

1 comment:

  1. you're very right about it doing your head in...gave me a headache last night...but still loved the talk..Jewell


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