Sunday, February 28, 2010

I seem to have been in suspended a world between the worlds, where in one world, life and crap went on and then sorted itself out in my absence, and in the other I was light and lifted and in joy and happiness having a most brilliant time.
My weekend away was super.
I learnt a great deal.
I had huge life lessons, actually.
A terrific experience on the ghost tour in Sydney ( although no ghosts )
and then James Van Praagh, who is just so gay and a real character - his meditation was one of those special moments and of course another attack of the shakes that lasted about 45 minutes and left me exhausted.
What is with that?
The Mardi Gras Parade happened to be forming right in front of our hotel and we had a front seat view of many of the floats and the magnificant costumes ( or lack of ).
I will share some of the best photos with you all in the next day or two.
The energy created by all of this fun was very uplifting and returning to Newcastle meant finding out that things had not been settled and more emotions had been made raw yet again.
Maybe my exhaustion added to it all but I found it hard to cope tonight and as much as I enjoyed the great effort put in by Shann and Helen in the ritual, I needed to make myself scarce.
I send my blessings to all .....find peace and find it quickly.


  1. i tried to warn you that some things had been said but, thanking the gods all is sorted now.
    one way or another, life will 'get back to normal'.
    love you always
    Lisa x

  2. and i must know more about the rocks ghost tour


Sticks and Stones may break my bones.....