Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A fantastic night of chant comming up!

Tommorrow is a big day for me - a new project! Planning a good evening where people will be able to experience ritual and chanting, old fashioned stuff...the stuff of our ancestors ..a gift given to us by an elder.
I am very excited and hope all will go to plan and that people will show up...always that worry before a planned event that things dont fall flat!
As much as I love Sharon and the Ferals I am hoping to see some old and new faces.
I guess we will see?
Next weeks ritual is planned and looks fantastic!
I have prepared two more canvasses to paint and need to get in and focus on my art, but all of this new stuff is turning my sedate and mundane world upside down- which is a good thing ( sedate and mundane can be easy and known territory and can be damn boring after a while - rountine ) so before my brain turns to shit and my arse gets so big it will never get up off the couch...I need to step into the unknown and know what its like to be blessed with the opportunity to just "have a go"!
How many people in this world would love to have the freedom that we have?
To just have a go........
Not to....would be totally disrespectful to the opportunities of life..


  1. tonite will be amazing,and sharon says thanks a lot....

  2. what can i say...but it was AMAZING, AWESOME, WOW....bloodly good job you came out of that comfort zone i'd say...for alot of us!!!

  3. PS can you take the word verification off this..cos it's shit!!!


Sticks and Stones may break my bones.....