Thursday, February 4, 2010

I just cant leave you!

Today I was heading back to Sydney to mum and driving up Perks street on my way to pick up mother in law when I saw something in the middle of the road. As I drove up slowly I realised that is was a rainbow lorikeet sitting there right smack in the middle of the road.
It looked dazed and was not I couldnt just drive past it.
I had to pull over and check it out.
I could not work out whether it was just dazed or getting ready to die so I pulled it off the road and headed over into the bushes to leave it there...
but I just couldn't leave it I gave it a quick Reiki treatment..but I still could just not leave it there..
so I was in a dilemma - where do I take it? I have to get to Sydney...... now!
So I thought I would head down to a lady I knew who lived two houses down, but the gates were shut.
So I thought that I would head to Shann's place and beg her to help.
She lives just around the corner and I got the bird again and put it in the passenger seat and drove the few metres to Shann's place.
Shann came to the rescue supplying a cage - the bird must have come to its senses because it delivered a lethal bite as I tried to get it out of my car.
I told Shann to let it go if it revived later or to please bury it if it were to die...
I will let you know what happens....hopefully I scored some good karma points.

1 comment:

  1. it must have been the day to rescue birds, hubby rescued a korraburra and took it to the vets at warners bay...think it's wing was broken. i'd say you little parrot was just dazed from being hit by a car.....lots of karma points coming your way


Sticks and Stones may break my bones.....