Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Happy Lughnassadgh!

Its supposed to be the time of the year to mark the first of three harvest festivals - a time when we start to see the changes in the seasons and the days growing milder...yet today has been so incredibly humid and still very warm. I am sure that the weather has something to do with how tired I am feeling and the old war injury ( neck and shoulders ) can sometimes be screamingly ouchy...
Having to deal with mum and get her to a specialist and in and out of Sydney is quite a scary thing and I dont really like doing it by myself. I can go with hubby any day and sit and annoy him in the car as a passenger, but driving in Sydney is something will is going to give me nightmares and this is ahead of me - so I wont be around for a day or two while I try to get over the trauma.Must remember some clear quartz crystal to keep me focused.
Found an interesting new magazine at my local newsagent today - Its called "Black Rose" Empowering Essence of a Woman.
Its only the third edition and is a bit of a mix of Spellcraft and Cleo.
I have not read it yet but it is very glossy and looks very interesting!
There are articles on tantra, empowerment, marketing and much more..go check it out..

1 comment:

  1. magazine sounds interesting,you ever need a traveling buddy,and if i can, please dont hesitate t ask.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones.....